DryFireMag®, LLC is excited to announce laser practice with the DryFireMag®’s unique feature of not having to rack the slide for consecutive practice shots. The Smart DryFireMag® and the Laser Ammo USA Inc. SureStrikeTM Cartridge by Laser Ammo have been designed to interact together. All other laser cartridges are activated by the pistol’s firing pin striking the cartridge or by the cartridge picking up the vibration of the release of the firing pin. Of course, in order to accomplish either of these two actions (firing pin strike or vibration), it is required that the slide of the pistol must be racked to the back of the pistol to reset the firing pin each time a shot is to be simulated. Manually racking the slide is what the DryFireMag® was designed specifically to avoid.
Now the technology of not racking the slide and the technology of the world of lasers has been married into one package. This makes it now possible to accomplish dryfire practice and analyze the accuracy of each shot visually and/or electronically.
There are two components that make up the Smart DryFireMag® and LLC Laser Ammo USA Inc. Laser system- the Smart DryFireMag® and the SureStrikeTM Cartridge by Laser Ammo Installation is simple. The batteries for the cartridge are installed into the cartridge, and it is screwed together. Make sure that the Smart DryFireMag®’s battery is fully charged. After making absolutely sure that the pistol is clear of any ammunition, the SureStrikeTM Cartridge by Laser Ammo is placed into the chamber of the pistol. Then, the Smart DryFireMag® is inserted into the pistol’s magazine well. Practice can now begin.